
My Own Catalyst

How to bring real change in your life
Have troubling thoughts?  Resentments?  Realize by becoming still that you are not your thoughts.  They are information generated on you mind’s computer.  Learn to notice thoughts and not struggle and flounder with them.   Noticing  your thoughts requires a little stillness and practice. Meditation and being in the here and now is the first step.  Think of your memories as the operating system on a computer. That’s all they are, programing from the past.  Your memories are not real—are they?  The can only do your inner self damage if it believes they are real.
Imagine you are on the bank of a stream and watching the stream pass by.  Are you the stream?  No, you are the observer of the stream.  Your real YOU is the watcher of the stream.  Don’t be temped to jump in the stream and flounder with the things floating in the water.  If you become the one who notices your thoughts and feelings, you will develop greater self control.
Albert Ellis developed a psychology of exposing irrational belief systems.  Let’s look at one such irrational belief: 
“I must do well and win the approval of others for my performance or else I am a rotten, unlovable person.”  Sound like a silly idea right?  But we tend to have these beliefs in the back of our mind and they produce negative feelings, anger and resentment.  Ellis develop 12 irrational core belief that keep us unhappy.  Think of it this way.  If you start out for work tomorrow, and belief that every driver should be courteous, aware, and drive the speed limit.  When you arrive at work how will your feel with this irrational belief?  Pretty angry, right?  Start by noticing these irrational beliefs which lurk in your imagination.
Similarly, if you think you must be perfect in all way in your life and never make a mistake then you will generate self condemnation for even the smallest mistake you make.  And find your self working harder and harder to please others. 
Look for irrational core beliefs in your life.  We all have them and don't struggle with them, be in the here and now watch them float away down the stream.Titanic Wall Picture in intricate hand design

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