
about this blog

Life is 10% what happens to us . . .

                      And 90% how we deal with it.   

Do you really believe this?  I don't think most people out there roaming the streets would say this statement is true.  Some might want to say it might be 50/50.  Some people who live in an upside down world would say it was backwards, 90% what happens to us and 10% how we deal with it.

This blog is about reaching out and letting you change your life  by changing your beliefs and thought processes and the research proves it works!

A famous psychologist named Rotter in the 1960's investigated the idea of Internal vs. External Locus of control.  Locus means "point".  Rotter found by his research that those who believed they were in  controll of events in their life (internal) were far happier and healthier than those who believed their life was controlled by events from the outside (external).  What do you think about the 10%/90%?

Another famous psychologist named Maslow, said (also in the 1960's) the study of psychology should not be aimed at unhealthy people but healthy people.  Find those who are successful and happy and find out how they did it.  He coined the phrase self-actualiztion which means to find one's purpose in life.  If one believes that outside events are the cause of their internal events, are such people ever going to ask the question "why am i here, what purpose do i serve?"

If life is stressing you out right now and you are feeling overwhelmed and depressed to downcast.  Ask your self this question:  "Is life really about what happens to me or how I handle what happens to me."  if the answer is "what happens to me" come up, ask yourself this question:  "How do others not think this way?"  If others believe they are in some degree able to change and control their life--why can't you to?

The good news is that you can.   It takes investigation, and work.  Look carefully at what you believe in life.  Counseling is my profession.  Counseling  is not about listening to people's problems all day long,  it is about changing peoples' belief systems. Reaseach proves time and time again, when peoples belief systems (thought processes) have changed their life changes for the better, and they actually have less stress.  90% or 10%--it's your choice.

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